Uber Eats’ National Survey Finds All Kinds of Stuff About People’s Eating Habits

As you’re grabbing a bite to eat at your desk during your workday lunch break, have you ever wondered how many other Americans are having to sacrifice a lunch out and are dining at their desk like you do? Well, this habit, along with other dining habits of individuals throughout America, have been discovered and revealed, thanks to the “How America Eats” survey recently released by Uber Eats in conjunction with the Harris Poll.

Uber Eats' National Survey

From the frightful determination that more than half of adults surveyed eat food off the floor (!!), to the less surprising finding that supper is now twice as popular as brunch, the How America Eats survey is getting down to the finer details as to how individuals across the U.S. eat. One result, which may not be too surprising, is the fact that 90% of millennials text while dining.

The How America Eats survey was conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Uber Eats. The survey was a representative sample of all Americans, ages 18-75, encompassing all demographics, by surveying over 1,000 Americans across the country.

Some of the other findings of the survey included the following:

  • Breakfast is toast: Despite the wisdom of health experts suggesting that breakfast is the “most important meal of the day,” nearly half of adults don’t eat breakfast daily and very rarely (only for 8%) is it their largest meal of the day. Instead, dinner tends to be the most common — and largest — meal of the day.
  • Parental Advisory: 60% of parents admit to eating their kids’ leftovers, with 26% admitting to doing so “always” or “often.”
  • Who is the pickiest eater? Men tend to be pickier than women. And 50% of millennials describe themselves as picky, compared to a 33% of baby boomers. The pickiest region? The Midwest.

The purpose of the survey was to obtain a sense as to how Americans are eating at home, eating at work and eating out at restaurants, as well as to uncover their likes and dislikes. The survey also focused on general etiquette trends, which tends to vary greatly between baby boomers and millennials.

Learn more about the fascinating Uber Eats study via this blog post!

  • Dining couple photo: Pixabay