What the Helles? Reviewing Sly Fox’s New Removable Lid Cans

Chicken of the Sea, Campbell’s Soup and Sly Fox Beer.  What do these all have in common?

Yes, they’re all items you can find in my humble abode. Okay, and sure, you’d be correct in saying they’re all found in cans, but as of this week, all these canned items now have … removable lids!

Sly Fox has just released  Helles Lager with this groundbreaking lid. According to Sly Fox’s Corey Reid, the Pikeland Pils with this 360 lid will launch soon and will be sold exclusively at the Phillies Ballpark.  As for any other Sly Fox beers rocking the 360 lid, time will tell. Though, when it comes to canned beer and Sly Fox, you never know!

Despite what I’ve seen or heard, I had to test this out for myself. I am, as you know, a lover of canned beers. A run of the mill ride home from work resulted in a slight detour to the Phoenixville location. Not sure how much they had in the back room, but I only counted 3 six packs of Helles remaining in the fridge. Score one for Phoenixville Dish.

I immediately arrived home, parked the car, barged through the door and darted to the kitchen. Possibly trampled a cat, but hey, sometimes there’s casualties in this line of work. I spotted my gear, got the camera booted up and the sixer laid on the table, modeled and ready. Boy, she looks beautiful. Shiny. Waiting to be had. Alright, Kevin, focus!

Snap! Snap! The anticipation was killing me. I removed a can from the plastic, ready to experience the Helles in all its glory. Snap! Snap! Okay, moment of truth. I pulled the tab, heard an unexpected fizz that caught me off guard and … EPIC FAIL. I managed to pull off the tab, but the lid did NOT come with it. Cursed Hulk-like strength!

Alright, not a complete loss. I had  five more. I pushed the first failed attempt to the side and snagged another. Same routine. Pulled tab, heard fizz and … success. Winning! Now I just have to take a few more photos before I can dive into this.

Camera turned off. Took a peak in the can. Sip.

I have  to tell ya. Once you get a handle on how to open it (it’s probably just my luck), I’d be content with all canned beers going in this direction. I mean, why not? The beer is still fresh in the can. It certainly looks cool. I feel cool. You’re cool for reading this and I’m sure by now everyone’s drinking it. It’s as if a beer can and Red Solo cup met at a bar, dated for a year, got hitched and had a baby. Alright, maybe not the best explanation of how this concept came to fruition, but still, I’m a fan.

For all you who asked or were curious, there are no ragged edges around the rim. Once the top is ripped clean off, it’s 100% smooth and completely safe. And hey, if you mess up like I did, you just pour it into one of the empties. You can check out my muck up in the provided photos.

I say of all the beers Sly Fox offers, it’s about time Helles Golden Lager makes its distribution debut. It’s the closest beer in their lineup that lovers of macro breweries would want to try. Am I saying Helles Lager tastes like Coors or Miller? Not in a million lifetimes. Helles Golden Lager is just an easier transition. It’s light in body, crisp and refreshing in taste with a nice, dry finish. Doesn’t hurt being sessionable so you can pound a few without getting blitzed.

I for one, never ordered the Helles Golden Lager at their Pub, but after this evening, you can bet it claimed a spot in my fridge.

Helles with the 360 Lid is available for purchase at both pubs with wider distribution in early April. Sly Fox Brewhouse is located at 520 Kimberton Rd. in Phoenixville. Sly Fox Brewing Co. HQ is found at 331 Circle of Progress Dr. in Pottstown.

Photos credited to Kevin Dragone.