Six Ways to Help the Chester County Food Bank Right Now

The numbers are staggering: Last year the Chester County Food Bank distributed 2.1 million pounds of food to over 70,000 people. This amount, which includes 125,000 pounds of dairy products and 650,000 pounds of fresh produce (over 400,000 pounds of it locally grown), equals about 1.75 million meals. Just let that sink in for a minute.

To help the organization meet increasing needs county-wide—and look ahead to serving even more people—the Food Bank recently moved to bigger digs in Exton, at 650 Pennsylvania Drive in Eagleview Corporate Center. The larger space, over 36,000 square feet of it, includes much more room for refrigeration and freezer space, a second food steamer and a larger commercial kitchen/prep space, all of which contributes to the Food Bank’s mission of getting fresher, healthier foods into the hands of those who need it most.


Right now, however, the shelves in the Food Bank’s new warehouse are getting low. Community Outreach & Marketing Coordinator Anne Shuniak expects that the approaching holidays, when donations increase, will help with much-needed staple food items, but the need is great. Presently the Food Bank supplies over 30 traditional cupboards and 60 other organizations in Chester County, so when the shelves at the Chester County Food Bank are empty, the shelves at these other places are, too.

The Food Bank also offers “E” (emergency) Boxes filled with 20–30 pounds of food, about four days’ worth, to schools, social service associations, police departments, churches—anyone who may encounter someone in need. The boxes, intended to be given to people to tide them over until they can get to a food cupboard, are filled completely with donated items.


Additionally, the Food Bank’s Weekend Backpack Program provides schoolchildren with a weekend’s worth of nonperishable food to take home to their families. The program services 1,000 students per week in 18 schools in Chester County; to feed all of the families who need it, the Food Bank would need to increase that number to 13,000. Because ingredients must be kept consistent in the backpacks, the food bank purchases all of the items, at a cost of about $250,000 per school year.


But although the task may seem overwhelming, the Chester County Food Bank is resolute in its mission to feed our community. They can do it—with your help. As I was told, “No matter how small, it all matters.” Want to help? Here’s what you can do:

1. Make a monetary donation. This is always the primary need. With it, the Food Bank can visit farmers’ auctions to purchase fresh produce at great prices, buy food in bulk when a good deal is found and help even more families. Every little bit counts. Imagine how much you could sock away if you passed on a month’s worth of lattes or lunches out.

2. Donate a turkey for the holidays. Food is accepted at the warehouse every Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can also donate supermarket vouchers for turkeys, in addition to all of the fixins for a holiday meal—stuffing mixes, gravy, cranberry sauce, canned veggies … the works!

3. Have a food drive. Get your family, neighbors, company or school in on the fun. Think you can gather 1,000 boxes of macaroni and cheese? Challenge yourself and reach for the sky.


4. Stock up and share. Take advantage of your grocery store’s “10 for $10” and “Buy One, Get One Free” deals. Some for you, some for the Food Bank; it’s a win-win.

5. Grow a row. You know you have a bumper crop of zucchini every year. This is the kind of donation the Food Bank loves! Start planning ahead for next year’s garden; thinking about digging in the dirt come spring will get you through the cold months ahead. Don’t have room at your place? Maybe your school would like to do it—it’s a great way to get kids involved in the Food Bank’s mission.


6. Volunteer. Be a part of the nearly 4,000-strong group of people who sort, pack, cook, farm, offer administrative support, act as ambassadors at community events and so much more on behalf of the Food Bank.  There are many opportunities to help—just ask!

Learn more about the Chester County Food Bank’s programs, events, volunteer and internship opportunities and ways to donate at their website, or call (610) 873-6000.

Photo credits: Michele Kornegay.