Someone was knocking on the door. I slowly opened my eyes, rolled out of bed and poked my spinning head out the door. I squinted in the blaring Saturday sunshine to see a lady with a handkerchief on her head. At first I guessed that she was a misguided guest in the senior-living portion of our lodge. Then I noticed the cleaning cart at her side. We had slept past our check-out time. She told me she was sorry to wake us up, but “I have to get in here to clean the room or I’ll get fired.”
We skipped a much-needed shower, threw on our Dollar General sunglasses, our gas station-purchased hats (I wore a bright green John Deere hat and my friend rocked a Trucker USA one) and tossed our belongings in our bags.
We loaded the car and headed toward the stoplight to look for a place that served breakfast. It was 11:35 am, and we soon discovered the challenge of finding breakfast in Floyd after 11 am. The skittles told us that The Blue Ridge Restaurant had the best “hot” breakfast in town. We tried unsuccessfully to talk them into serving us eggs and such. The lunch menu looked decent, but being a huge breakfast fan I couldn’t go without it two days in a row, even if we were in a small town. So, we kept looking.
Eventually we stumbled on a place called The Cafe Del Sol. This coffee shop and cafe was to be our home for the next three hours. The interior looked as though it had been airlifted from a trendy college town and planted right in the middle of nowhere, or Floyd, VA. Piles of baked goods lined the counter and hip furniture filled the space. A blackboard with colorful chalk writing listed the selection of organic and flavored coffee and teas. It also listed tempting creative cuisine.
A section of the menu read “Start your morning at anytime” and listed (to my relief) breakfast burritos, bagel sandwiches and other savory morning treats. We successfully found coffee, wireless Internet and breakfast. Perfecto.
I munched on a delicious veggie burrito with fresh fruit. My friend had her very first breakfast burrito with ham. We left once we successfully lounged off our hangovers and I began making money on my bottomless coffee refills.
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