Many people think of January 1 as the day of renewal, but November
offers an ideal time to get a head start – the weather is nice, the
scenery is beautiful – wouldn’t it be great to know you’ve already
been living a healthy lifestyle by the time the holidays roll around?
Consider the benefits of starting a new wellness routnie in the fall.
* The 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are when
people are most vulnerable to weight gain
* Getting back into a regular habit of being active outdoors
will help burn calories and promote weight loss before the holidays.
* Keep 2 colors in mind when purchasing fresh produce – orange
and green. Try roasting pumpkin, sweet potato, winter squash for a
filling, fiber-rich, vitamin-packed dish.
In health and wellness,
Margaret Moses, MBA, RD, LDN
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Centers
1130 McDermott Drive
West Chester, Pa. 19380
Phone: 610-431-7000 Fax: 610-431-4653