On one of my recent WCOJ (1420 am) shows I asked listeners whether they felt my behavior on a recent date was odd. Half felt it was; the other half felt it was “creative.” Let me know what you think…
Antonio, (his requested fictional name) and I had decided to meet for drinks. He asked to meet at 7:30 pm and I was to name the place. I chose De Starrs and he agreed. Until he got there.
I am chronically late for everything and I got a text at exactly 7:31 that said to come up with a new location… he wasn’t happy with my choice. Little did he know that I had a plan.
I wanted to do a nontrendy bar tour of WC. But because this was a first date I wanted him to be comfortable, so we opted for Doc’s. After a few drinks and good conversation I told him I was disappointed with his hesitation with De Starrs. At ten of 9 he said “fine, let’s go.” We dashed outside to run across the street to find that the lights were already out.
We agreed we wanted to continue the date, and as he brainstormed for a comparable place to DeStarrs I handed him an envelope.
“If the date is going well so far then answer the following riddle…
A round peg doesn’t fit into a ___ hole.
A man walks into a ____ and says, “Ouch that hurt.”
With a confused look he answered “Square Bar” and we were off.
As we entered I found a seat at the bar and eventually scored two seats next to each other. After some magic tricks from the bartender and a few beers he asked where we were headed to next. Then the pay phone rang.
“You should get the phone, Antonio.”
“No way.”
“I think it’s in your best interest to answer the phone.”
He walked over to the phone and answered it. He replied to my friend on the other line delivering the next clue with “Ok, uh huh, thanks.” and walked back to his seat. “I think we’re going to The Spare Rib.
We decided that we were too comfortable at The Square Bar so we stayed despite the clue to move on. Around 11 pm I was a bit tipsy and realized that I had to be at the radio station the next morning at 8. I still hadn’t done my grocery shopping for the show and so we ended up moving on to our next location… Acme.
We hunted for New Year’s resolution healthy foods (this was the theme I decided for the show) in the aisles and eventually ended up in the poultry section. He was questioning the size of the turkey tenderloins and I was wondering if this was the most bizarre date I’d ever been on.
Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me and kissed me in the refrigerated poultry section. And that is all I will say.
The Final Dish
So, what do you think? Good date, bad date, odd behavoir? Let me know…