I got a phone call two weeks ago with some very unexpected and exciting news. “Mary, you’ve been nominated and chosen as the WRN’s Business Woman of the Year.”
Holy crap! Me?
I immediately called my mom and dad to tell them the cool news and then realized that I don’t even have a business suit (I checked with the organizers and they said it’s fine to wear my favorite green dress to the awards dinner.). I was told I needed a head shot, so I decided on a photo of me eating a strawberry. The photographer said there was something in my eyes that said, “I want to eat you,” so I went with it. I’m not sure if that’s appropriate or not, but I’m usually not very appropriate…so we’ll see how it goes.
The Women’s Referral Network of Chester County is presenting the award at a dinner next Thursday at The Chester Valley Golf Club. I am SO excited about this and can only credit the honor to my incredible support system and all the fellow foodies in the area.
All of the dinner details are available on the WRN website if anyone would like to come for a delicious evening.
The Final Dish:
Still thinking… Holy Crap!