WEST CHESTER – The Sixth Annual West Chester Rotary Chili Cook-Off, presented by Infiniti of West Chester
and hosted by the Rotary Club of West Chester, returns to downtown West Chester from noon to 4pm on Sunday,
October 5th. This is the ideal opportunity for chili lovers to prove they, in fact, make The Best Darn Chili in
Chester County!
Interested teams can apply now through Friday, September 12th..
Download an application at
www.westchesterchilicookoff.com or call Katie Walker at 610-696-4046. Over 60 Chili Teams are anticipated to
compete in the following divisions: Business, Restaurant, Non-Profit Organization, Volunteer Organization and
Hometown Cooks. Each team will prepare their best chili and submit a sample to a panel of local “celebrity”
judges who name Best Chili in each category. Thousands of hungry chili fans will also fill Gay Street to vote for
their favorite chili with the presentation of the 2008 People’s Choice Award. Count on the chili being hot and the
competition smoking!
Chili wristbands can be purchased early this year at 3 for $25 up until October 3. Buy them online at
www.westchesterchilicookoff.com. Presale locations are also listed on the chili website. After October 3, an All-
You-Can-Eat-Chili wristband will cost $10. Wristbands will be on sale at the Cookoff on each street corner of
Gay Street between High and New Streets. Children under 10 are free with an adult purchase. The YMCA’s
Kiddie Korral will also be a favorite for the lil’ buckaroos. Funds raised from the event benefit the good works of
the West Chester Rotary and local charities.
The Sixth Annual West Chester Rotary Chili Cook-Off has a record-breaking 39 businesses sponsoring the festival
leading off with the Presenting Sponsor – Infiniti of West Chester; Diamond Sponsor – Blue Dog Printing &
Design; Platinum Sponsors – BrandywineRadio.com and 99.5 WJBR; Gold Sponsors – Keystone Motors Volvo,
Comcast Spotlight, County Lines, Daily Local News and Main Line Today. The Silver Sponsors include Smaltz’s
Harley-Davidson, AAA Travel, Burkholder Landscaping, Custom Pool & Irrigation Co., Arthur Hall Insurance,
Buckley, Brion,McGuire, Morris & Sommer LLP, Brandywine Valley Heating & Air, Commerce Bank, Brandywine
Hall-Genesis Healthcare, Chamber of Commerce of Greater West Chester, RBS Dumpster Co., Triton Web Studios,
WCOJ 1420AM and The Students of West Chester University. Bronze Sponsors include McGinn Marketing Works,
Sue Casso’s Custom Printing & Promotions, WhirlAway Travel & Cruises, Karp Chiropractic and Joint
Rehabilitation Center, ACAC Fitness and Wellness Center, DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd Funeral Home, First
National Bank of Chester County, Giunta Enterprises, Inc, Phase 1 Electric, Chester County InterLink and
Brandywine Coach Works, WC Dish.com, Biffen Investment Advisors, Stancato/Abdala Greentree Associates, Rainer
& Company, J.E Gasho, Inc. and Fulton Bank.
The Rotary Club of West Chester is an international service organization of business professionals who hold
“Service Above Self.”

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