A Night of Film, a Call to Action and Hors d'oeuvres by Talula's Table

WHAT: Stroud Water Research Center to host the nationally acclaimed Wild & Scenic™ Environmental Film Festival at the Delaware Museum of Natural History on February 11th, 2010

WHEN: Thursday, February 11th, 2010 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm (Films begin at 6:30 pm)

WHERE: The Delaware Museum of Natural History

4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807


AVONDALE, PA – On Thursday, February 11th, 2010 the Stroud Water Research Center will host the nationally acclaimed Wild & Scenic™ Environmental Film Festival. This special evening is sponsored again by outdoor gear purveyor Trail Creek Outfitters, in addition to Talula’s Table of Kennett Square, Chester County’s Paradocx Vineyard, and the Delaware Museum of Natural History. National sponsors include Clif Bar & Co., Osprey Packs, Inc., Patagonia, Inc., Sierra Nevada and Tom’s of Maine. The evening of short, independent films, animations, and documentaries will cover the gamut of environmental issues and, in keeping with the Stroud Water Research Center’s focus, will include several films based on the theme of fresh water.

“The films of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival are proof of the power of real people who choose to make a positive difference in the world,” said Rob Robinson, Partnership Leader of Tom’s of Maine, which has sponsored the Wild and Scenic On Tour for several years. “Tom’s of Maine is proud to support this festival, and be a part of this community of education, inspiration, and action.”

“As outdoor enthusiasts we look forward to sponsoring the Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival every year. It’s a wonderful event which calls attention to the need to protect our outdoor spaces and the natural resources that sustain us both physically and emotionally,” said Ed Camelli, Cofounder of Trail Creek Outfitters. “Partnering with Stroud Water Research Center to bring the film festival here allows us to help spread the word about their freshwater research and education programs and their value to us all.”

“We are proud to sponsor this ever-growing event, this being the third, and our goal is to increase awareness for the research done and also the funds needed to pursue their excellent work,” added Brian Havertine, Cofounder of Trail Creek Outfitters.

“These films provide us with an important platform to show how water is at the heart of almost every environmental issue we face,” said Bern Sweeney, Director of the Stroud Water Research Center. “Protecting our freshwater resources can only come with an understanding of how we are putting them at risk, and sharing how we each can be part of the solution to change this for our benefit and that of future generations.”

Ticket Sales: Kay Dixon, Stroud Water Research Center

610-268-2153 x 247

[email protected]


$20 advance ticket sales only. Seats are limited. Refreshments and cocktails will be served. All proceeds benefit the Stroud Water Research Center.