Tired Hands Brewing Co. Launches ‘I Voted Today’ Nationwide Voter-Awareness Initiative

Ardmore, PA-based Tired Hands Brewing Company recently announced a new nationwide initiative it’s starting called I Voted Today. Inspired by the Black is Beautiful beer project, aimed at spreading awareness and raising money for social justice causes, I Voted Today is Tired Hands’ way of addressing voter-awareness issues and get-out-the-vote actions leading up to the national election on November 3.

Putting its cult-hero status to good civic use, Tired Hands is releasing a Double Dry Hopped American Pale Ale, called I Voted Today, to support every American’s constitutional right to cast a ballot. It’s even emblazoned with a sticker, just like the ones everyone loves to sport after voting on election day!

It will also be providing the beer’s recipe, artwork and guidelines, as well as support on related topics, like brewing, design and advocacy, to any other breweries that want to get involved. In an informal exchange for the beer recipe and artwork, Tired Hands asks all participants involved to communicate pertinent voting information, like voter-registration deadlines, voting-by-mail deadlines and ballot drop-off information, and voting day information. Breweries are also encouraged to contribute a portion or all of the proceeds from the sale of I Voted Today to non-partisan voting-rights advocacy organizations, like HeadCount, Common Cause, ACLU, League of Women Voters and Democracy Works.

Dozens of breweries from across the country have already signed up, including a bunch of other Pennsylvania breweries, including Forest & Main Brewing Company (Ambler, PA), Funk Brewing Company (Emmaus, PA), Hidden River Brewing Company (Douglassville, PA), Rebel Hill Brewing Company (Phoenixville, PA) and Root Down Brewing (also from Phoenixville), with more surely to be added soon.

Tired Hands’ own I Voted Today beer will be released in late September/early October, and all other participating breweries are able to release their batches any time before the election. For more info, check out the project’s landing page, IVotedBeer.com, and to find out what else Tired Hands is up to, follow along on Instagram. And, if you’re not yet registered to vote, you can do it here — it just takes a few minutes!

  • Feature photo: Tired Hands Brewing Co.