PA Eats’ Instagram Live: Sourdough Advice from Bianca Saracini of Nord Bread (Tues., June 9, at 4 p.m. ET)

One of the biggest culinary outcomes from the COVID-19 quarantine, it seems, is our new nationwide obsession with sourdough bread. Back in March, when packaged yeast was suddenly in short supply, many home cooks — some novice, some with a bit more experience — turned to a baking tradition as old as time: harnessing the yeasts that exist in the air and on surfaces all around us. Photos of jars full of sourdough culture became ubiquitous across social media, soon followed by pics of beautiful loaves … and woeful failures.

Nord Bread

Keeping a sourdough starter alive and using it to bake with, it turns out, is tricky business. Especially if you’re used to the predictability and consistency of instant yeast, the world of natural fermentation requires an adjustment period. If you’ve been experimenting with sourdough bread and have questions about how to improve your loaves, you’re in luck.

This Tuesday’s PA Eats’ Instagram Live session (June 9, at 4 p.m. ET) is with Bianca Saracini of Doylestown-based Nord Bread. She’ll be on the line to field all of your inquiries about the mysteries and madness of sourdough!

Professional Baker Bianca Saracini

Saracini started Nord Bread back in 2018, after a shoulder injury forced her out of her former career as a hair stylist. As a self-taught baker, she’s been through all of the sourdough growing pains that so many of us are currently experiencing. Take advantage of this chance to pick the brain of a professional about all things sourdough-related!

To watch Instagram Live, be sure to follow PA Eats on Instagram (we’re @pa.eats), and head to the app at 4 p.m. You’ll get an alert that we’re going live, and you can join us there!

  • Feature photo: Nord Bread